Making Things Better Together
Dutch Chamber of Commerce Awards
There are so many incredible people and achievements that we are proud of in Techpro Group. On 11th November 2021, Techpro Group was awarded the Silver Award for Entrepreneurship by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Due to the extended absence of Tom, Martijn Ros received the award for Techpro Group. It was a busy evening with over 100 guests, all in compliance with the relevant Covid restrictions and guidelines; the evening included a video address from HK CE, Carrie Lam and even a Lion Dance!
While there could only be one winner, we recognize the contribution and exceptional work of all of the nominees for the various awards. Photos from the awards are shown below.
Lion Dance!

Silver Award for Entrepreneurship 2021
Sponsored by Leo Wealth and awarded by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong on 11th November 2021
Martijn Ros, COO of Tech Pro Green, who received the DutchCham Silver Entrepreneurship Award on behalf of Techpro Group